SWS 2024 Fine Art Event: The Beauty of Heaven and Earth, an Ecological Bounty—the Art of Yuan Chintaa and Hwang Su-Mei

2024國際濕地科學家學會(SWS)臺北年會系列活動: 《天地大美:生態的饋贈》——黃素梅‧袁金塔聯展


Exhibition period: 10:00-17:00, Tuesday to Saturday, November 6, 2024 – November 16, 2024 展覽期間:2024年11月6日–2024年11月16日(週二至週六 10:00-17:00)


Exhibition venue: 3rd floor, National Taiwan Normal University Art Museum (No. 129, Section 1, Heping East Road, Daan District, Taipei City) 展覽地點:臺師大美術館3樓(臺北市大安區和平東路一段129號)


Opening Reception: 3 pm-5pm, Thurs., November 7, 2024 開幕酒會時間:2024年11月7日(四)下午3點至5時


Opening Venue: 3rd floor, National Taiwan Normal University Art Museum (No. 129, Section 1, Heping East Road, Daan District, Taipei City) 開幕地點:臺師大美術館三樓(臺北市大安區和平東路一段129號)


Academic Director: Yuan Chintaa 學術主持:袁金塔


Curatorial Director: Cai Wenjie 策展總監:蔡文潔


Visual Director: Wu Szu-Ju 視覺總監:吳思儒


Advised by: Ministry of Education, Taiwan, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and Taipei City Government. 指導單位:教育部、國家科學及技術委員會、臺北市政府


Organized by: National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture, Society of Wetland Scientists, and Shih Chien University. 主辦單位:國立臺灣師範大學、農業部生物多樣性研究所、國際濕地科學家學會、實踐大學


Implemented by: Vision Union, National Taiwan Normal University Art Museum, Society of Wetland Scientists Asian Chapter, and Taiwan Wetland Society. 執行單位:景澤創意、師大美術館、國際濕地科學家學會亞洲委員會、社團法人臺灣濕地學會




In the context of global environmental changes, we are increasingly aware of the fragility and preciousness of mother nature. This exhibition "The Beauty of Heaven and Earth—an Ecological Bounty" aims to explore the uniqueness and importance of natural ecosystems and raise people's awareness about protecting them. The biological diversity of Planet Earth never ceases to astonish us, and the island of Taiwan provides unique habitats for many rare birds a wide variety of plants and animals. Through this exhibition, we invite you to closely observe the soaring exotic birds in Hwang Su-Mei's paintings and Yuan Chintaa’s ecology-focused conceptual installations, and experience their profound connections with this land. We hope that, through exquisite Chinese ink paintings and comprehensive cross-media art works, the audience can appreciate the beauty of sky and earth and understand their precious roles in our ecosystem. In this rapidly evolving era, we need to pay close attention to the conflicts between the natural and the human environment, and find a balance between ecological protection and the development of civilized societies. This exhibition consists of three parts— "Rare and Exotic Birds", "Mountains and Seas Conveying Love", and "The Elegant Expressions of Tea." They express unique ecological connections with mountains and oceans and demonstrate how human culture draws inspirations from natural elements. The beauty of the sky transforms humans, but the development of humankind alters the sky. From generation to generation, we share these wonders, and the appreciation of beauty unites us together. We sincerely invite you to enter the realm of "The Beauty of Heaven and Earth—An Ecological Bounty" and to explore, appreciate, and protect this land of miracles.


在當前全球環境變化的背景下,我們愈發意識到自然界的脆弱與珍貴。本次展覽《天地大美:生態的饋贈》旨在深入探索生態系統的獨特性與重要性,並喚醒人們對這一生態環境的關注與保護。地球上的生態系統,承載著無數的生物多樣性。這裡是珍稀鳥類的棲息地,也是各類植物和動物的家園。 透過我們的展覽,您將有機會近距離觀察黃素梅筆下翱翔的奇珍異鳥,袁金塔關懷生態的觀念裝置,感受他們與這片土地之間的深厚聯繫。透過精美的水墨作品、綜合跨媒材的藝術作品讓觀眾領略天地之美,並理解生態系統中扮演的關鍵角色。 在這個瞬息萬變的時代,我們需要更加珍視這自然資源與人文環境的對照關係,並思考如何在生態保護與文明社會發展之間找到平衡。展覽有三部分,分別是「奇珍異禽」、「山海傳情」、「雅茶明志 」。展覽表達與山脈和海洋形成獨特的生態聯繫,並講述人類文化如何從這些自然元素中汲取靈感。 人美化天,天美化人,生生美意,美美與共! 誠摯邀請您走進《天地大美:生態的饋贈》,一起探索、感受並保護這片充滿奇蹟的土地。


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