2024 SWS Annual Meeting | November 11-16, 2024 | Taipei, Taiwan

Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation

2024國際濕地科學家學會(SWS)臺北年會 | 20241111-16日 | 臺灣臺北


Potential aspects 徵稿面向


面向A:濕地保育與國家政策Aspect A: Wetlands Conservation and National-level Policies
1-1各國推動濕地保育制度經驗1-1 The institution of wetland conservation from countries around the world
1-2濕地保育制度、政策與經營管理1-2 Management of the institution of wetland conservation, policies and implementations
1-3各國土地使用制度下濕地保育策略1-3 Wetland conservation strategies under the institution of land-use in each country
1-4濕地地景生態系服務功能及其制度化與市場化管理的契機1-4 A window of opportunity for the institutionalization and market-management of wetland landscape ecology services
1-5國土地景格局下的全國/區域濕地生態網絡系統與OECM1-5 National and regional wetland ecology landscape network system and OECM within the national land landscape framework
1-6濕地面對能源產業開發之衝擊與適應1-6 How wetlands confront and adapt to impacts from the development of the energy sector
1-7濕地開發迴避、衝擊減輕及生態補償機制1-7 The mechanism to avoid, mitigate and compensate for damages resulted from wetland development 
1-8濕地明智利用與友善產業、社區創生之案例1-8 Case studies of sensible usage of wetland by friendly industries and communities to stimulate revitalization
1-9濕地明智利用的文化差異與制度因應1-9 The cultural divergences and institutional responses of sensible usage of wetland
1-10濕地調查監測與環境教育推動1-10 Monitoring wetland studies and promoting environmental education
1-11遷徙物種跨國或跨界議題與保育行動(例如禽流感、飛安與候鳥保育衝突)1-11 Issues of trans-national or trans-border migratory species and conservation actions (such as controversies around avian flu, aviation safety and migratory bird conservation)
1-12建立與環太平洋及亞洲之學術、科研等跨國、跨域交流合作機制1-12 Establishing a cross-national and cross-disciplinary cooperative mechanism in  Pan-Asia and Asia for academic and scientific researches  
1-13其他1-13 Others
面向B:濕地碳匯與氣候變遷調適(Wetlands and Climate Change)與濕地科學評估與管理(Wetland Science Assessment and Management)Aspect B: Wetland Carbon Sink, Climate Change Adaptation, and the Assessment and Management of Wetland Science
2-1 國際濕地藍碳科學的發展歷程與趨勢2-1 The development and trend of international research of blue carbon
2-2濕地碳匯基線調查研究2-2 Research on wetland carbon sink baseline determination
2-3濕地碳匯計算方法學2-3 Methodology of wetland carbon sink calculation
2-4濕地碳匯查驗與碳抵換機制研究2-4 Research on the mechanism for wetland carbon sink verification and carbon offset
2-5濕地自然碳匯不確定性及碳抵換與追回機制2-5 The uncertainty of wetland natural carbon sink, and the carbon offset and retrieval mechanism
2-6濕地自然碳匯與碳信用(credit)交易平台2-6 The trading platform for wetland natural carbon sink and carbon credit
2-7濕地自然碳匯政策與生物多樣性衝突2-7 The conflict between wetland natural carbon sink policy and biodiversity 
2-8濕地自然碳匯實施地點、方式、及區位適宜性分析(魚塘、滯洪池)2-8 Analysis of the implementation location, method, and feasibility of wetland natural carbon sink (such as fish ponds and flood retention ponds)
2-9濕地碳匯與ESG結合策略2-9 Strategies to link wetland carbon sink with ESG
2-10 濕地環境及生態資料庫應用2-10 The utilization of the environmental and ecological database of wetlands
2-11 高山溪流與濕地動物監測與生態功能探討2-11 Probe into the ecological functionality of monitoring streams and wetland animals in high mountains
2-12其他2-12 Others
面向C:濕地的生態-生活-生產地景及社會生態系統Aspect C: The Ecology-Life-Production Landscape of Wetlands and its Social-Ecological Systems
3-1地景生態保育綠色網絡建置3-1 Establishment of Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN) for landscape conservation
3-2保全森川里海之鏈結中的森林、農田、濕地等生態系的多樣性3-2 Conservation of the diversity of forest, farm land, river, wetland and other ecosystems within landscapes and seascapes
3-3濕地的連結與永續管理空間規劃3-3 Spatial planning for wetland connectivity and sustainable management
3-4濕地共生之城鄉規劃3-4 Wetland-friendly urban-rural planning
3-5濕地生物多樣性保育研究與棲地復育3-5 Wetland biodiversity conservation research and habitat restoration
3-6濕地特有生物調查研究、棲地保育與環境教育學習課程3-6 Wetland endemic species research, habitat conservation and environmental education
3-7瀕危物種及重要棲地生態服務給付3-7 Service implementation to endangered species and key habitat ecology 
3-8森林及淺山濕地生態系之知識體系建立與相關研究3-8 Establishing an information database on forests and low-altitude mountain wetland ecosystem and relevant researches
3-9森林型濕地資源調查與保護網建構3-9 Resource investigation and protection network for forest wetlands
3-10森林濕地、垂直濕地及湧泉濕地之價值與經營管理3-10 Values and management of forest wetlands, vertical flow constructed wetlands and spring wetlands
3-11水田、農塘、魚塭等的共生共養之友善生產模式3-11 Eco-friendly production practices in rice paddies, agricultural ponds, and fish ponds
3-12濕地之植物地理與生態之研究3-12 Studies of plant geography and ecology in wetlands
3-13協助農漁村產業轉型、濕地產業復甦與建構永續經營管理機制3-13 Assisting the industrial transformation of farming and fishing villages,  the revitalization of wetland industies, and establishing a mechanism for sustainable management
3-14濕地社區網絡及夥伴關係及濕地生態旅遊推展輔導3-14 Community networks and partnerships for the promotion of wetland eco-tourism
3-15自然中心暨森林園區之環境教育方案3-15 Environmental education programs for natural centres and forest parks
3-16濕地產業加值與創意行銷,濕地自然藝術之營造與應用3-16 Innovation and promotion for wetland industries and the development and implementation of wetland natural arts
3-17外來入侵種管理,濕地維護與監測技術、物種蔓延之有效防制措施等3-17 Invasive alien species management, wetland conservation and monitor technology, and effective species proliferation control
3-18社區在外來物種防治與管理中的角色3-18 The role of local communities in the prevention and management of alien species
3-19濕地保育中女性的角色與議題3-19 Women’s role in wetland conservation
3-20氣候變遷及淨零碳排行動與濕地保育弱勢族群議題、指認、公正轉型的困境3-20 The identification and challenges of just transition faced by disadvantaged groups of wetlands on climate change and net-zero carbon emission actions
3-21其他3-21 Others
面向D:濕地及水域生態服務系統以及自然為本解方與濕地環境教育Aspect D: Wetland and Aquatic Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions, and Wetland Environmental Education
4-1 濕地及水域生物多樣性保育與技術發展4-1 The conservation and technical development of wetland and aquatic biodiversity
4-2整合型集水區或流域系統(含濕地)之規劃管理4-2 Planned management of integrated drainage basins or basin systems (including wetlands)
4-3數學模型在集水區或流域系統(含濕地)之應用4-3 The application of mathematical models on drainage basins or basin systems (including wetland) 
4-4生態檢核與水環境建設研究4-4 Ecological Check and water-environment construction studies
4-5濕地水資源之再生、利用與調適策略4-5 The regeneration, reuse, and adaptation of wetland water resources
4-6流域及海岸濕地生態系之自然防減災功能與機制4-6 Prevention and reduction of natural disasters in basins and coastal wetland ecosystems
4-7海岸濕地變遷調查監測與研究4-7 Monitoring and research of coastal wetland changes
4-8濕地管理數位資料庫及資訊系統建置4-8 Establishing a digital database and information system for wetland management
4-9濕地生態影響—河川漂沙、水質汙染及海岸侵蝕淤積4-9 Ecological impacts of wetlands – increased sediments in river water, water pollution, and coastal erosion
4-10人工濕地的建設、監測與維護管理4-10 The construction, monitoring, and management of artificial wetlands
4-11水域生物多樣性與自然景觀營造與維護4-11 The construction and maintenance of aqua-biodiversity and natural landscape 
4-12濕地環境教育4-12 Wetland environmental education
4-13科技化水質監測系統與水資源管理4-13 Scientific water-quality monitoring system and water resource management
4-14滯洪池實施自然碳匯之議題與可行性4-14 The feasibility of applying carbon sink to flood retention ponds
4-15 濕地保育與再生能源技術發展與調適4-15 Wetland conservation and the technical development and adaptation of renewable energy
4-16其他4-16 Others
面向E:海洋資源保育與濕地恢復與創新(Marine resource conservation and Wetland Restoration and Creation)Asepct E: Marine resource conservation and Wetland Restoration and Innovation
5-1海洋保育政策及生態系管理網絡之推展-以MPAs與OECMs為例5-1 Promotion of marine conservation policies and ecosystem management network – case studies of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and ‘Other effective area-based conservation measures’(OECM)
5-2海洋環境守護與海洋健康指數研究5-2 Researches on ocean environmental protection and ocean health index
5-3海洋及濕地生物養殖及棲地復育5-3 Aquaculture of marine and wetland organisms and habitat restoration
5-4海洋濕地環境教育宣導與公民科學家推展 (詳備註E-1)5-4 The promotion of marine wetland education and citizen scientists
5-5盤點沿海濕地碳匯生態系,建立基礎資料庫 (詳備註E-2)5-5 Census of Coastal wetland carbon sink ecosystem and database establishment
5-6調查及評估我國沿海重要碳匯生態系,包括海草床、紅樹林、及鹽沼等海洋生態系之監測調查、保育及復育行動5-6 The study and assessment of the conservation and restoration efforts made to the key carbon sink ecosystems along Taiwan coast (including seagrass beds, mangroves and salt ponds)    
5-7 濱海濕地永續經營管理之策略及挑戰5-7 Strategies and challenges of sustainable management for coastal wetlands
5-8公私夥伴關係建立及海洋保育-里海守護聯盟之培力5-8 Public- and private-sector partnership establishment and marine conservation—capacity building for Satoumi Union
5-9海洋自然碳匯實施地點及方式適宜性分析5-9 Site and method assessment for marine natural carbon sink implementation
5-10其他5-10 Others
面向F:國際濕地視角(International Perspectives on Wetlands)-濕地NGO/NPO所扮演之角色與實務操作Aspect F: International Perspectives on Wetlands—the roles and actions of NPO/NGO
6-1 NGO/NPO推動生態保育的發展與趨勢,以及在地永續發展之關鍵議題與策略6-1 The development and trend of NGO/NPO-led ecological conservation, and key questions and strategies for local sustainable development
6-2建立國際、國家、及社區組織間的伙伴關係網,建構亞太候鳥及濕地保育跨國行動6-2 Establishing a partnership network of international, national and community organizations, and a trans-national movement for the conservation of Asia-Pacific migratory birds and wetlands
6-3 NGO/NPO操作經驗與在地保育行動需求6-3  Learning from NGO/NPO operations and understanding needs for local conservation actions
6-4濕地組織自主經營管理與人才培植瓶頸與策略6-4 Self-governance of wetland organisations and challenges and strategies of talent development
6-5地方創生培力與生態保育之對接6-5 The connection between local revitalisation and wetland conservation
6-6社區公民科學家在保育網絡中的角色與培育6-6 Citizen scientists – their roles and development in the conservation network
6-7公民科學家與常態科學家在濕地科研的關係6-7 The relationship between citizen scientists and career scientists in wetland research
6-8濕地保育中的青年視角與議題6-8 Young people’s viewpoints and concerns in wetland conservation
6-9公私夥伴關係在生態保育領域中的挑戰與契機6-9 Challenges and opportunities of public-private sector partnerships in the field of ecological conservation
6-10 ESG的本質及其在濕地保育及其他公共事務議題的契機與誘因6-10 The nature of ESG and opportunities and incentives of wetland conservation and other public affair issues
6-11社區守護與里海創生的社會網絡力量6-11 The power of social networks for community patrol and Satoumi innovation
6-12 各層次夥伴參與濕地保育的案例分享6-12 Case studies—participation of partners at all levels in wetland conservation
6-13 其他6-13 Others


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