• Taiwan General Information  Link
  • Taipei Theme Itinerary   Link
  • Inbound Tourism Promotion of Taiwan   Link
  • Travel in Taipei   Link
  • YouBike - Public Bicycles   Link

Things to know before and during your visit to Taiwan

Before and Arrival

  • Check [Implementation Directions of the Individual Tourist Portion of the Tourism Bureau’s (MOTC) Accelerated and Expanded Inbound Tourism Promotion Program]

          English       日本語          한국어

  • Fruits, vegetables, or meat are strictly forbidden in the baggage.
  • There are many ways to get to the city. Taoyuan Airport MRT (purple-line subway) takes only 35 minutes from Taoyuan Airport Terminal 1 to Taipei Main Station and 38 minutes from Terminal 2 to Taipei Main Station.
  • Easy Card is highly recommended. You can use it for MRT, bus, convenience stores and many places. It’s easy to add money at MRT and convenience stores.
  • It’s easy to exchange currency and purchase cellphone SIM card at Taoyuan Airport.
  • Bring your health & insurance cards.
  • Although it’s not mandatory to wear a mask and bring the proof of Covid-19 vaccination at the time, many people still prefer to wear masks.
  • Bringing a water bottle or container are recommended. Water machines can be found easily. 3-4 liters a day is recommended.
  • Bring appropriate clothing, dress, hat and umbrella for the climate.
  • Taiwan is also known as the “Food Paradise”, and food is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it’s important to know what you can/can’t eat to avoid allergies.
  • Most people can speak a little English, but it’s helpful to install Google Translate on your cellphone.
  • The MRT and bus systems in Taiwan are convenient. Buses need to be hailed at the bus stops.
  • It can be helpful to know few more tips before traveling to Taiwan. https://www.agoda.com/travel-guides/taiwan/taipei/taipei-travel-tips-pro-advice-for-traveling-in-taiwan/?cid=1844104


  • Bring an umbrella for winter rain. It’s inexpensive to buy one at convenience stores.
  • Convenience stores such as 7-11 and Family Marts are open 24-7, located almost everywhere and providing all-encompassing services, everyday goods, food and beverage.
  • 7-11 or Starbucks are not recommended as landmarks. In many busy places, there can be 2-3 ones in a 5 min walk.
  • Bring the map and hotel card with address if you are going for a walk. Taxis are inexpensive, so please consider to hail a taxi if you are lost.
  • Take photos of your credit cards, passport and important documents and make good use of hotel safe box.
  • Due to the policy of reducing waste and encouraging recycling, public garbage cans are rare, usually located at MRT or convenience stores.




  • 認識臺灣 Link
  • 臺灣簽證 Link 

  • 交通部觀光局辦理加速擴大吸引國際觀光客方案
    促進自由行旅客來臺消費金實施要點及活動規範 Q&A   Link
  • 臺灣國際觀光客方案 Link
  • 桃園國際機場抵達手續 Link
  • 臺北主題旅遊 Link
  • 臺北大眾捷運 Link
  • YouBike 微笑單車 Link

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