2024 SWS Annual Meeting | November 11-16, 2024 | Taipei, Taiwan
Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation
Call for Abstract
You are invited to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations to be presented at the Society of Wetland Scientists 2024 Annual Meeting. We welcome abstracts from all related disciplines and areas of expertise from all practitioners (academics, consultants, and governments). The meeting is an opportunity for wetland scientists and related interests to exchanges information and knowledge.
1. Important Dates and Deadlines
- Abstract Submission Start: 29 February, 2024
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2024
- Abstract Acceptance Notification: before 15 June, 2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: before 20 July, 2024
- Registration Deadline for Abstract Presenters: before 20 July, 2024
For visa consultation and assistance, applicants with China passports or specific visa situation please provide the following information to the [2024 SWS Annual Conference Secretariat] at secretariat@sws2024.org before June 30:
1. Full name in both English and Chinese (if have)
2. Identity Card
3. Relevant professional attainments or job certificates
2. Potential topics include, but are not limited to
Potential session themes include, but are not limited to:
- Wetland Restoration and Creation
- Wetlands and Climate Change
- International Perspectives on Wetlands
- Wetland Science Assessment and Management
- Wetland Biodiversity
- Wetland Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
- Socioeconomic and Cultural Aspects of Wetlands
- Wetland Communication and Education
- Wetlands and National Policies
Sharing of experiences, knowledge and values are crucial to a science- and knowledge-based success in wetland conservation and governance. Therefore, organizers of the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting in Taipei are calling for submissions on the following aspects: wetland conservation and national policy; wetland carbon storage and climate change adaptation; social economy and culture of wetlands; nature-based solutions to wetland eco-service systems; restoration and innovation of marine resources and wetlands; and wetland global viewpoint. Everyone is invited to share one’s valuable insight and experiences with the world.
For more details on the above aspects, please refer to:

3. Submission format
- Name
- Email
- Organization
- Qualification or title
- Session themes
- Submission type: oral presentation or poster display, choose one
- Abstract title
- Abstract body (Abstract must be submitted in English. 2500 characters. Abstracts should address the following: background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. Tables, figures, and references are not allowed.)
- Co-authors
- Please consent to have your abstract published in WSP:☐ YES
- Please indicate if you are invited to any symposia at 2024 SWS Annual Meeting: ☐ YES ☐ NO
4. Review Committee
- Ben LePage: Chair of Review Committee (Former SWS President)
- Wei-Ta Fang: Reviewer (President of SWS Asia Chapter ; President of Taiwan Wetland Society)
- Tatiana Lobato-de Magalhães: Reviewer (Research Prof. at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico)
- Andrew Baldwin: Reviewer (Director of Undergraduate Programs, Dept. of Environmental Science & Technology, University of Maryland, USA;Former SWS President)
- Donna Jacob: Reviewer (Senior Scientist ; Co-President of Wetlanders Consultancy, LLC)
- Kerrylee Rogers: Reviewer (Professor, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia)
- Terrence Lee: Reviewer (Senior staff of Taiwan National Park Service ; PhD of National Taiwan University)
- Hsing-Juh Lin: Reviewer (Lifetime Distinguished Professor of Department of Life Sciences at National Chung Hsing University)
- Lei Yang: Reviewer (Professor of Department of Marine Environment and Engineering at National Sun Yat-sen University)
If you have any questions about the content or process of submitting abstracts, you can reach out to the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting Secretariat at secretariat@sws2024.org
2024國際濕地科學家學會(SWS)臺北年會 | 2024年11月11-16日 | 臺灣臺北
1. 關鍵期程
- 論文摘要提交開始:2024 年 2 月 29 日
- 論文摘要提交截止:2024 年 5 月 31 日
- 論文摘要入選通知:2024 年 6 月 15 日前
- 早鳥報名截止日期:2024 年 7 月 20 日前
- 論文摘要講者註冊報名截止:2024 年 7 月 20 日前
持中國護照或其他特定簽證需求者,請於6月30日前提交以下資料至「2024 年 SWS 年會秘書處」信箱—secretariat@sws2024.org,以利您的來台簽證諮詢及協助:
1. 完整英文全名、以及中文全名(若有)
2. 身分證
3. 相關專業造詣或職務證明
2. 本年會論文涵蓋但不侷限下列副標題
- 濕地復育
- 濕地與氣候變遷
- 國際濕地觀點
- 濕地科學評估與管理
- 濕地生物多樣性
- 濕地生態系統服務與以自然為本之解方
- 濕地社經和文化
- 濕地傳播與教育
- 濕地與國家政策
全球濕地需要大家分享經驗、知識、與價值,使濕地保育行動與治理得以朝向科學為本及知識為本的目標。因此 SWS、SWS Asia Chapter、Taiwan Wetland Society 和政府(National Park Service, Taipei City Government, etc)規劃 2024 SWS 臺北年會徵稿方向 濕地保育與國家政策、濕地碳匯與氣候變遷調適、濕地的社會經濟和文化、濕地生態服務系統以自然為基礎的解方、海洋資源保育與濕地恢復與創新、以及濕地國際視角等六大面向等,邀請各位投稿與全球一起分享您寶貴的知識與經驗。

3. 徵件格式
- 姓名
- 電子郵件
- 機構
- 證照或職稱
- 副標題
- 提交類型(擇一): ☐ 口頭發表、☐ 海報發表
- 摘要標題
- 摘要正文(投稿內容需為英文。2500 個字元。摘要應包含以下內容:背景、目標、方法、結果和結論。不允許使用表格、圖形和參考文獻。)
- 共同作者
- 請同意在 WSP 上刊登您的摘要:☐ 是
- 請註明您是否受邀參加 2024 年 SWS 年會的任何研討會:☐ 是、☐ 否
如果您對論文摘要提交的內容或流程有任何疑問,請聯絡「2024 年 SWS 年會秘書處」:secretariat@sws2024.org
Submit Your Abstract Here 論文投稿處