2024 SWS Annual Meeting | November 11-16, 2024 | Taipei, Taiwan

Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation

Call for Symposia and Workshops Proposals


The Asia Chapter, on behalf of the Society of Wetland Scientists is now inviting new proposals for symposia and workshop to be held at the 2024 Annual Meeting. In addition to the strong scientific programming and a variety of networking events, symposia and workshop proposals are encouraged. The aforesaid opportunities for proposals are as follows:


Tuesday-Thursday, November 12-14, 2024


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Please carefully review the information below to aid your planning. If you have any questions about the content or process of proposing a symposia or workshop proposal, you can reach out to the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting Secretariat at secretariat@sws2024.org


1. Important Dates and Deadlines:

  • Proposal Submission Start: 15 January, 2024
  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 March, 2024
  • Proposal Acceptance Notification Date: before 15 April, 2024
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline: before 20 July, 2024
  • Registration Deadline for Symposia/Workshops Presenters: before 20 July, 2024

For visa consultation and assistance, applicants with China passports or specific visa situation please provide the following information to the [2024 SWS Annual Conference Secretariat] at secretariat@sws2024.org before June 30:

1. Full name in both English and Chinese (if have)
2. Identity Card
3. Relevant professional attainments or job certificates

2. All participants in symposia and workshops must be registered with the SWS conference.

  • Symposia: A typical symposium gathers 4-6 speakers and provides a well-integrated synthesis of a given topic or theme with broad applicability and appeal for the field of ecological restoration, land reclamation and/or wetland science. It can be structured as a series of formal talks or a moderated panel discussion allowing for greater audience participation. Symposia will be held concurrently with regular conference sessions and will each be allocated a total of 100 minutes. Longer symposia made up of multiple 100-minute sessions are also possible.
  • Workshops: Workshops courses focus on practical applications and professional development, and are intended to impart specific knowledge, skills or methodologies. Workshops will each be allocated a maximum of 3 hours and the venue capacity is approximately 100 chairs without tables. Participants will directly pay a separate fee to the workshop organizers on-site, excluded in the cost of conference registration, and courses will be open to all attendees on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. Proposal Submission Guidelines

  • Proposals must be submitted in English.
  • Symposia may be scheduled at any time during November 12-14. We may have some ability to work with you on scheduling needs but need to maintain flexibility to accommodate all sessions. Except under compelling circumstances, the Program Committee may not be able to accommodate special scheduling requests.
  • We will provide meeting space and on-site logistical support for symposia and workshops. However, the conference is not able to provide any travel or accommodation assistance, registration subsidies or waivers, or any other forms of support for the organizers or individual speakers named in any of the proposals. All participants will be required to register and pay for the conference and to cover their own travel expenses.
  • Symposium and workshop organizers are responsible for serving as the primary point of contact with their invited speakers throughout the planning process. Registration deadline for symposia and workshop organizers and speakers is June 30, 2024. Organizers and speakers who fail to register by this date may be excluded from the conference program.
  • There is no limit to the number of symposia in which a delegate may participate as a speaker.
  • If an individual speaker from your symposium cancels or withdraws, or fails to register for the conference before the deadline, we ask that you find another speaker to replace them. If you are unable to secure enough speakers to complete your symposium or to fill any such gaps, the conference may coordinate with you and assign an appropriate speaker to your session.
  • Please do not submit a proposal unless you are confident that you will be able to fulfill your obligation to organize and deliver the activity proposed. If an extenuating circumstance force you to withdraw your activity, please notify us as soon as possible to the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting Secretariat at secretariat@sws2024.org

4. Proposal Format

  • Chair (name, organization, phone, email address, qualification or title)
  • 2 Co-chairs (name, organization, phone, email address, qualification or title)
  • Symposium title / Workshop title (25 words limit)
  • Symposium keywords / Workshop keywords (25 words limit)
  • Symposium synopsis / Workshop synopsis (250 words limit)
    Brief overview of the objectives for the activity, topics to be covered, and relevance to wetland science, practice or policy.
  • Venue layout
    Each room will be provided with a projector, screen and laptop. The capacity is approximately 100 chairs without tables. Please indicate the required quantity of chairs and tables for your activity.
  • Proposed Program for Symposium / Proposed Program for Workshop
    Symposium: a list of invited speakers including their organization, qualification or title, presentation title, and an indication of whether their participation is confirmed.
    Workshop: a draft syllabus detailing the topics to be covered, teaching methods to be used, expected learning outcomes, and course duration.

5. Comprehensive Evaluation Criteria

  • Scientific merit
  • Clear relevance to the conference theme
  • Broad application
  • Submission of a complete and compelling proposal
  • Integrated treatment of the topic
  • Likelihood of a successful session

6. Review Committee

  • Ben LePage: Chair of Review Committee (Former SWS President)
  • Wei-Ta Fang: Reviewer (President of SWS Asia Chapter ; President of Taiwan Wetland Society)
  • Tatiana Lobato-de Magalhães: Reviewer (Research Prof. at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico)
  • Andrew Baldwin: Reviewer (Director of Undergraduate Programs, Dept. of Environmental Science & Technology, University of Maryland, USA;Former SWS President)
  • Donna Jacob: Reviewer (Senior Scientist ; Co-President of Wetlanders Consultancy, LLC)
  • Kerrylee Rogers: Reviewer (Professor, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia)
  • Terrence Lee: Reviewer (Senior staff of Taiwan National Park Service ; PhD candidate of National Taiwan University) 


2024國際濕地科學家學會(SWS)臺北年會 | 2024 年 11 月 11-16 | 臺灣臺北






2024 年 11 月12-14 


2024 年 11 月 14 

敬請詳閱以下資訊,以利規劃。若有任何問題,請聯絡「2024 年 SWS 年會秘書處」:secretariat@sws2024.org


1. 關鍵期程

  • 企劃提案提交開始:2024 年 月 15 
  • 企劃提案提交截止:2024 年 3 月 15 
  • 企劃提案入選通知:2024 年 月 15 日前
  • 早鳥報名截止日期:2024 年 7 月 20 日前
  • 研討會/工作坊辦理團隊註冊報名截止:2024  7  20 日前

持中國護照或其他特定簽證需求者,請於6月30日前提交以下資料至「2024 年 SWS 年會秘書處」信箱—secretariat@sws2024.org,以利您的來台簽證諮詢及協助:
1. 完整英文全名、以及中文全名(若有)
2. 身分證
3. 相關專業造詣或職務證明

2. 研討會/工作坊之所有與會者需辦理 2024 年年會之註冊報名

  • 研討會:通常由生態復育、填海或濕地科學領域之 4 至 名講者組成,亦可規劃一系列短講或座談討論,以開放更多觀眾參與。研討會總長 100 分鐘,將於年會中辦理,提案團隊亦可評估是否規劃多場 100 分鐘研討會。
  • 工作坊:著重於實際應用和專業發展,旨在傳授特定知識、技能或方法,總長最多 3 小時,場地大小約為 100 張椅子(若不擺放桌子)。由 2024 年年會與會者直接向工作坊辦理團隊報名,依報名順序受理,並於年會現場繳交費用予工作坊辦理團隊。前述費用不包含於 2024 年年會之報名註冊費中。

3. 提案指南

  • 提案需以英文撰寫。
  • 研討會可能安排在 2024 年 11 月 12-14 日之間的任何時間,敬請保持彈性。
  • 我們將提供研討會和工作坊之會議空間和現場行政支援。差旅費、住宿費、年會報名註冊費或其他費用煩請自理。所有與會者需辦理 2024 年年會之註冊報名。
  • 研討會和工作坊的辦理者需自行規劃,並擔任受邀講者的聯絡人。研討會和工作坊辦理者和演講者的註冊報名截止日期為 2024 年 30 日,在此之前若未註冊報名,可能無法參與年會。
  • 研討會演講者的演講場次不限。
  • 如果您規劃的研討會講者取消或退出,或未能在上述註冊報名截止日期前報名,敬請尋找其他講者出席。如果您無法找到足夠講者,本年會可能與您協調或並安排合適講者。
  • 除非您確信能夠履行研討會或工作坊的規劃及執行,否則請勿提交提案。若因特殊情況導致您需撤回活動,請盡速通知「2024 年 SWS 年會秘書處」:secretariat@sws2024.org

4. 提案格式

  • 主席(姓名、機構、電話、電子郵件、證照或職銜)
  • 二位聯合主席(姓名、組織、電話、電子郵件、證照或職銜)
  • 研討會標題/工作坊標題(25 字以內)
  • 研討會關鍵字工作坊關鍵字(25 字限制)
  • 研討會摘要/工作坊摘要(250 字限制):簡要概述活動的目標、要涵蓋的主題以及與濕地科學、實踐或政策的相關性。
  • 場地配置:配備投影機、投影幕和筆記型電腦,場地大小約為 100 張椅子(若不擺放桌子),請註明所需的桌椅數量。
  • 研討會企劃/工作坊企劃

5. 綜合評量標準

  • 科學價值
  • 會議主題相關性
  • 應用廣泛度
  • 企劃完整度及可行度
  • 主題整合度
  • 執行力

6. 評審委員

  • Ben LePage:評審主席(前 SWS 總會長)
  • 方偉達:評審委員(SWS 亞洲分會主席、台灣濕地學會理事長)
  • Tatiana Lobato-de Magalhães:評審委員(墨西哥格雷達洛州立自治大學教授)
  • Andrew Baldwin:評審委員(美國馬里蘭大學環境科學與技術學士學程主任、前 SWS 總會長)
  • Donna Jacob:評審委員(資深科學家、Wetlanders 顧問公司聯合總經理)
  • Kerrylee Rogers:評審委員(澳洲臥龍岡大學教授,地球、大氣和生命科學學院)
  • 李晨光:評審委員(內政部國家公園署技正、臺灣大學博士候選人)

Submit Your Workshop/Symposia Proposal Here

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