2024 SWS Annual Meeting | November 11-16, 2024 | Taipei, Taiwan
Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation
The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) was founded 44 years ago in 1980. It promotes the understanding, conservation, protection and restoration of wetlands globally, and is a significant advocator for scientifically-managed wetland sustainability. First time in Asia, the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, marking a new era for SWS influence in this region. Channelling wetland science and knowledge to countries around the world in order to promote global wetland conservation has been the core value of SWS. The theme of the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting will focus on understanding the relationship between wetland and global climate change, and to engage in the mitigation and adaptation of global environmental and social issues.
In the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework 30 by 30 was adopted: to protect 30% of all land and water by 2030; wetlands around the world have been included in this commitment. In addition, in 2023, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) agreed to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, reform climate change financial flows, and to incorporate people’s livelihood and nature as the core. As wetland biodiversity is tied closely with human wellbeing, the 2024 SWS Annual Meeting will draw from Ramsar Convention’s theme for 2024,“Wetlands and Human Wellbeing,” to highlight nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and the alleviation of, and adaptation to, climate change. The goal is to incorporate wetland as an anthropogenic influence factor so that carbon sequestration, water resource conservation, biodiversity, human wellbeing, food safety, reinforced climate change science, social safety, community living standard and national economic competitiveness can be promoted.
Yet based on “Global Wetland Outlook – Special Edition 2021” published by Ramsar Convention, the world’s one billion hectares of wetland is rapidly disappearing; 35% of wetland on earth has been lost between 1970 and 2018. The disappearance of wetland sounds the alarm to global climate change; it is an unbearable loss to any nation or people.
As a result, to counter the global threat faced by wetlands, and to echo Ramsar Convention’s theme “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing”for 2024, SWS, SWS Asia Chapter, Taiwan Wetland Society and relevant government offices (National Park Service of Ministry of the Interior, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency of Ministry of Agriculture, Taipei City Government, etc) are joining efforts to resolve local wetland conservation issues by leveraging on science accumulated worldwide. The theme to 2024 SWS Annual Convention in Taipei is “Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation”; wetland’s contribution to biodiversity, carbon storage, climate change deterrence, and social safety adaptation will be highlighted as the world actively responds to the challenge of global change.
What role should wetlands take in natural carbon storage under the challenge of global change? Or what impact will the implementation of natural carbon storage be on wetland ecology, and how should it be regulated? How can goals of the 30x30 framework be reached through the mechanism of OECM (Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures)? How can wetlands achieve self-governance through ESG? Furthermore, what pressures are being faced by wetlands in different countries? How are the wetland conservation policies and regulations in those countries responding to social demands? How can sustainable development be reached through wetlands?
Sharing of experiences, knowledge and values are crucial to a science- and knowledge-based success in wetland conservation and governance. Therefore, organizers of the 2024 SWS Annual Convention in Taipei are calling for submissions on the following six aspects: wetland conservation and national policy, wetland carbon storage and climate change adaptation, social economy and culture of wetlands, nature-based solutions to wetland eco-service systems, restoration and innovation of marine resources and wetlands, and wetland global viewpoint. The discussions will be looking at science, policies, the institution and execution with relevant aspect suggestions. Everyone is invited to share one’s valuable insight and experiences with the world.
The Annual Meeting will take place from Monday 11th November to Saturday 16th November in 2024 to discuss the topic: “Wetlands and Global Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation”.
We will have an amazing and diverse lineup of plenary speakers, symposia, and oral and poster presentations on related topics:
- Wetland Restoration and Creation
- Wetlands and Climate Change
- International Perspectives on Wetlands
- Wetland Science Assessment and Management
- Wetland Biodiversity
- Wetland Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
- Socioeconomic and Cultural Aspects of Wetlands
- Wetland Communication and Education
- Wetlands and National Policies
A variety of networking events will be hosted throughout the week, such as receptions, award ceremony, field trips, workshops, etc. The conference itself will be held at Taipei International Convention Center which is near Taipei 101 in Xinyi District (the center of commercial and fashion in Taipei). It will definitely be an unforgettable learning trip and vacation!
2024國際濕地科學家學會(SWS)臺北年會 | 2024 年 11 月 11-16 日 | 臺灣臺北
濕地科學家學會(Society of Wetland Scientists, SWS)成立於1980年,迄今44年,致力於在全世界推動對於濕地理解、保育、保護、恢復,並且以科學管理為基礎,促進濕地永續性,厥功至偉。2024 SWS 年會第一次在亞洲舉行,選擇於臺灣臺北舉行,係為濕地科學家學會邁向亞洲新紀元的第一次。將濕地科學與知識導向世界各國、促進全球濕地保育,是SWS的核心價值。本年度SWS 2024 年會主題,正是想要致力於了解濕地與全球變遷關係,並且進行全球環境和社會議題的減緩與調適。
有鑑於聯合國生物多樣性公約第十五次締約國大會於2022年商議昆明—蒙特婁全球生物多樣性框架「30 by 30」:2030年前保護全球30%陸地跟水域,全球濕地納入保護區的範圍之內,或是透過全民參與進行保護。此外,氣候變化綱要公約COP28在2023年商議加速轉向可再生能源,改變氣候融資運作方式,將民生和自然納入氣候行動綱要的核心。有鑑於濕地生物多樣性和人類福祉息息相關,SWS2024年會依據拉姆薩公約2024年主題「濕地與人類福祉」,強調國家自願性減量(NDCs)、氣候變遷減緩與調適,希望濕地納入人類影響因素,推動固碳、水資源保育、生物多樣性、人類生計、食物安全,強化氣候變遷科學、社會安全、社區生活品質,以及國家經濟競爭力。
然而,依據拉姆薩公約編纂的「全球濕地展望-特別報告(Global Wetland Outlook-Special Edition 2021)」,全球濕地目前面積為十億公頃,正快速消失,自1970年至2018年,全球損失了35%濕地面積,濕地的消失代表全球氣候變遷調適的警鐘,是國家及社區不同層次人類福祉的損失。
因此,為了回應濕地面臨的全球威脅,並與拉姆薩公約所定2024年主題「濕地與人類福祉(Wetlands and human wellbeing)」呼應,SWS 、SWS Asia Chapter、Taiwan Wetland Society和政府部門(內政部國家公園署、農業部林業及自然保育署、…National Park Service, Taipei City Government, etc)合作,以全球的科學知識能量促進解決在地濕地保育議題,2024 SWS 臺北年會主題定調為「Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation」,強調濕地具有增益生物多樣性、儲碳、調適、減緩氣候變遷、及協助調適社會安全之功能,積極回應全球變遷的挑戰。
在全球變遷的挑戰之下,濕地在自然碳匯應該扮演什麼角色?或是反過來說,實施自然碳匯可能對濕地生態產生什麼衝擊以及應受到哪些規範?此外,如何透過濕地「其他有效地區保育措施」(Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures, OECM)機制達成30X30的目標?濕地如何結合ESG推動自主性管理?此外,哪些科技可以協助及強化濕地監測與管理?再者,各國濕地所面對的壓力為何?各國濕地保育政策與制度如何回應社會壓力?以及如何透過濕地達到永續發展的目標?
全球濕地需要大家與大家分享經驗、知識、與價值,使濕地保育行動與治理得以朝向科學為本及知識為本的目標。因此SWS 、SWS Asia Chapter、Taiwan Wetland Society和政府(National Park Service, Taipei City Government, etc)規劃2024 SWS 臺北年會徵稿方向,分為六大面向:濕地保育與國家政策、濕地碳匯與氣候變遷調適、濕地的社會經濟和文化、濕地生態服務系統以自然為基礎的解方、海洋資源保育與濕地恢復與創新、以及濕地國際視角等六大面向,以及科學、政策、制度、及執行等四個層次,並建議各面向相關題目,邀請各位投稿與全球一起分享您寶貴的知識與經驗。
- 濕地復育
- 濕地與氣候變遷
- 國際濕地觀點
- 濕地科學評估與管理
- 濕地生物多樣性
- 濕地生態系統服務與以自然為本之解方
- 濕地社經和文化
- 濕地傳播與教育
- 濕地與國家政策
除了辦理專題演講、研討會,以及分組論文發表與海報發表之外, 2024 年亦將舉辦宴會、頒獎典禮、現地參訪等交流活動。此外,年會將於台北國際會議中心召開,鄰近台北 101、以及臺北的時尚及商業中心。 這絕對會是一次難忘的學習之旅和假期!