***The adjustment for field trips due to typhoon***
Due to the impact of the approaching typhoon, the wetland field trips will be adjusted as follows:
1. The two-day Hsinchu field trip is adjusted into “two-day Guandu & Yamingshan itinerary” for selection. Applicants are requested to go to the tour table on 1st floor of TICC from 9 am to 4 pm on November 14 for enquirement. We will also assist with accommodation as well.
2. One-day tours to Guandu and Gongliao will be held as usual on November 15th.
3. In principle, the one-day trip to Yangmingshan on November 16 will be held as usual. On November 15 by 8 pm, if the Taipei City Government announces the suspension of classes and work for November 16. Please contact the travel agency at the TICC lobby at 8-9 am on November 16 for refund matters.
4. In principle, the Tainan itinerary of other conference speaker invitees will continue as usual. If there are having any changes, Mark Tsao will notify you as soon as possible.
1.If the Guandu, Gongliao and Yangmingshan tours are canceled due to temporary circumstances, a few administrative fees will be charged.
2.Any latest news will be notified on the SWS official website.
3.If you have any questions about the field trips, you can go to the travel information table from 9 am to 4pm on November 14.
4.Please scan the separate QR code for different itineraries.
1. 新竹2日遊行程調整,請報名者在11/14 上午9點-下午4點到TICC一樓旅遊服務台進行活動諮詢,我們將提供關渡及陽明山二日遊行程供選擇,亦將協助住宿安排。
2. 11/15 關渡、貢寮一日遊照常舉行。
3. 11/16 陽明山一日遊原則上照常舉行,如果11/15 晚上8點台北市政府宣布11/16停班停課,請於11/16上午8-9點到TICC大廳洽旅行社處理退費事宜。
4. 其他大會演講受邀者的台南行程原則上照常舉行,如有任何變動將由Mark Tsao 通知。
2.如有任何最新消息將更新於2024 SWS官網。
3.如果對參訪行程有任何疑問,11/14 上午9點-下午4點可到TICC一樓濕地見習行程服務台洽詢。
4.各項行程聯繫請掃描QR code

My fellow wetland colleagues,
I am excited to see you all in Taiwan for the 2024 Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, which will be co-hosted by the SWS Asia Chapter and the Taiwan Wetland Society. Collaboration with our partners across the globe is more critical today than it has ever been, with increasing threats to wetlands associated with climate change, development, and changing water resource management practices. This meeting is an excellent opportunity to connect with wetland scientists and practitioners from around the world to share our research as well as strategies for applying that research to inform management. The meeting will also feature amazing field trips to some of Taiwan’s most spectacular wetlands. This meeting also represents an important step for the society in building stronger international ties, expanding participation, and broadening our relevance. I hope you will plan to join me for what promises to be an exciting and unique experience.
Eric Stein
2024-2025 President, Society of Wetland Scientists

Eric Stein
Dear colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the Society of Wetland Scientists 2024 Annual Meeting in Taiwan. This conference, the first SWS annual meeting to be held in Asia, will take place in Taipei and Tainan, November 11-16, 2024. The SWS Asia Chapter, together with the Taiwan Wetland Society, have planned an exciting program around the theme, Wetlands and Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation. SWS 2024 will be an outstanding opportunity to hear from wetland researchers and professionals at the leading edge of blue carbon initiatives, net-zero emissions planning, sustainable resource use and development, community-led resilience planning, and wetland science more generally. The meeting features a wonderful array of field excursions to some of Taiwan’s most amazing wetlands – at a time of year when migratory waterbirds also congregate there!
It’s hard to imagine a better way to network and share ideas than experiencing Taiwan with wetland colleagues from around the world. I do hope to see you in Taipei, Taiwan.
Susan Galatowitsch
SWS Executive Board Representative of 2024 SWS Annual Meeting
2023-2024 President, Society of Wetland Scientists.

Susan Galatowitsch