Taiwania is an open access and peer-reviewed journal issued quarterly, with one volume per year, and is available online at https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw. The journal Taiwania publishes scientific papers on aspects of biodiversity, including taxonomy, phylogeny, morphology, genetics, ecology and evolutionary biology, at all levels of organization from molecular, organismal, community to ecosystem. The journal will be published original research articles after the SWS 2024. The SWS 2024 will cooperate with the internationally renowned journal Taiwania to solicit papers for the Special Issue: Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation. Taiwania has been indexed Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), BIOSIS PREVIEWS & Zoological Record (in Web of science); CABI; EBSCO; ProQuest; Ingenta; Scopus and Ulrich's Periodical Directories.

  1. Priority will be given to applicants to be accepted with abstracts from the SWS 2024 conference in the main topic: Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation; to be focused on biodiversity issues
  2. Please write according to the Taiwania journal format.
  3. Submission deadline: October 31, 2024
    Review periods: November 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
    Journal acceptance date: before January 31, 2025
    Journal publication date: from February to December, 2025 (free to publish online version without any publication fees and/or article processing charges)
  4. Guest Editors: Dr. Wei-Ta Fang and Dr. Ben A. LePage
  5. Submission website: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tai
  6. To submit your paper, please indicate in your cover letters to be noted as SWS 2024 Special Issue: Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation

[October 18, 2024 update]

Taiwania has received two submissions from authors for SWS2024 Special Issues while under review. Please submit as early as possible. It is expected to be published from February to December 2025.

For more information please visit: https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/


SWS2024 與國際知名期刊 Taiwania 合作徵稿 Special Issue。國際知名期刊 Taiwania 收錄於 Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), BIOSIS PREVIEWS & Zoological Record (in Web of science); CABI; EBSCO; ProQuest; Ingenta; Scopus and Ulrich's Periodical Directories.

  1. SWS 2024 大會摘要錄取者為優先,主題:全球變遷之減緩與調適,濕地是解方,以生物多樣性研究為主。
  2. 請依據 Taiwania 期刊格式撰寫。
  3. 投稿截止日期: 2024 年 10 月 31 
  4. 審稿日期: 2024 年 11 月 日至 2024 年 12 月 31 
  5. 期刊接受日期: 2025 年 月 31 
  6. 期刊刊登日期: 2025 年 2-12 
  7. 客座編輯: 方偉達、Ben LePage
  8. 投稿網站: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tai 
  9. 投稿請於 cover letter 說明是投 special issueSWS2024 Special Issue: Wetlands and Global Change: Mitigation and Adaptation


Taiwania已收到2篇SWS 2024作者的Special Issue,現正進行審稿。請儘早投稿。期刊預計在2025年2至12月刊登稿件。



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