(Exchange rate: Approximately USD 1 to TWD 31~33)

(美金:臺幣匯率約為 131~33)


PhotosProvided by Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co. Ltd

A. One-Day Tour in Taipei: Guandu Nature Park & Tamsui River Wetlands


  • Departure: 2024/11/15 (Friday) 08:00AM
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Shou-Chung Huang (Researcher, Taiwan Wetland Society)
  • Price: NTD 3,500 (Approx. USD 105, including tour bus, English-speaking tour guide, lunch, wetland visit with guided tour, entrance fees, yacht tickets, and insurance.)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 20 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 20 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 40 participants.
  • Itinerary: Departure from TICC → Huajiang Wild Duck Nature Park → Tamsui River Blue Highway Wetlands Tour (Dadaocheng → Shezidao → Guandu) → Disembark at Guandu → Lunch → Afternoon Ecological Tour at Guandu Nature Park → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Visit Taiwan’s first wetland reserve, Guandu Nature Park, and learn about the important winter migratory bird habitat in northern Taiwan.
    • The tour includes a yacht ride on the Tamsui River, offering a unique perspective of Taipei’s precious wetland ecology from the water.
    • Huajiang Wild Duck Nature Park is an excellent spot in Taipei for easily observing migratory bird ecology during the winter months.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/15(五)上午 08:00
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:黃守忠(台灣濕地學會研究員)
  • 售價:新臺幣 3,500 元(大約 105 美金,費用包括遊覽車、英語導遊、午餐、濕地參觀及導覽、門票、船票、保險)
  • 成團人數:至少 20 人成團,未滿 20 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限 40 人。
  • 行程:TICC 出發 華江雁鴨公園 淡水河藍色公路遊濕地(大稻埕 社子島 關渡) 關渡下船 午餐 關渡自然公園生態見習(下午) 返回 TICC
  • 特色:
    • 參觀臺灣第一個濕地保護區—關渡自然公園,認識北臺灣重要的冬候鳥棲地。
    • 搭乘淡水河上的遊艇,從河面觀察臺北市珍貴的濕地生態。
    • 華江雁鴨自然公園是臺北市冬季可輕易觀察候鳥生態的好去處。

B. One-Day Tour in New Taipei: Gongliao Rice Terrace & Shifen Sky Lantern


  • Departure: 2024/11/15 (Friday) 08:00AM
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Dr. Jung-Yi Lai (Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Fu Jen Catholic University)
  • Price: NTD 3,500 (Approx. USD 105, including tour bus, rice terrace experience, lunch, eco-friendly sky lanterns experience, English-speaking tour guide, and insurance.)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 15 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 15 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 20 participants.
  • Itinerary: Departure from TICC → Gongliao Rice Terrace (visit rice terraces, field experience) → Lunch → Shifen Waterfall → Shifen Old Street - Eco-friendly Sky Lantern Experience → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Visit the unique rice terrace landscape and learn about the symbiotic way of living with nature of our ancestors.
    • Feel the refreshing mist and cool atmosphere of the largest curtain waterfall in Taiwan - Shifen Waterfall.
    • Experience the feeling of “a train passing through the front doors” in Shifen Old Street, and release a sky lantern while making a wish.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/15(五)上午08:00
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:賴榮一(輔仁大學景觀設計系所助理教授)
  • 售價:新臺幣 3,500 元(大約 105 美金,費用包括遊覽車、水梯田體驗活動、在地風味午餐、永續天燈施放、專業導遊、保險)
  • 成團人數:至少 15 人成團,未滿 15 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限 20 人。
  • 行程:TICC 出發 貢寮水梯田(認識水梯田、田間體驗) 午餐 十分瀑布 十分老街-永續天燈體驗 返回 TICC
  • 特色:
    • 探訪北臺灣的特色水梯田地景,學習先民與自然共生的永續生活方式。
    • 全臺灣最大的垂簾式瀑布「十分瀑布」,在此拍照留影,感受沁涼的水霧氛圍
    • 在十分老街體驗「火車門前過」的新奇感受,也可體驗施放永續天燈,許下幸福心願。

C. One-Day Tour in Taoyuan: Taoyuan Coastal Stone-Weir Culture & Ponds and Wetlands


  • Departure: 2024/11/16 (Saturday) 08:30AM
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Hwey-Lian Hsieh (Retired Research Fellow, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica)
  • Price: NTD 3,500 (Approx. USD 105, including tour bus, lunch, entrance fees, stone-weir cultural experience, English-speaking tour guide, and insurance.)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 20 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 20 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 40 participants.
  • Itinerary: Departure from TICC → Taoyuan Ponds Wetland Ecological Tour → Lunch →Taoyuan Stone Tidal Weirs Association (Stone Fish Weir Experience and Stone Weir Ecological Observation) → Return to TICC
    (If the weather is bad, stone-weir fishing experience may be demoed by fishermen for safety reasons.)
  • Highlights:
    • The tour includes visits to Taoyuan's traditional ponds to learn about water purification and ecological restoration cases.
    • Walk into centuries-old stone weirs, and experience sustainable Taiwanese traditional fishing techniques through the guidance of local fishermen.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/16(六)上午 08:30
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:謝蕙蓮(中央研究院 生物多樣性研究中心退休研究員)
  • 售價:新臺幣 3,500 元(大約 105 美金,費用包括遊覽車、午餐、門票、石滬文化體驗、專業導遊、旅行業責任險)
  • 成團人數:至少 20 人成團,未滿 20 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限 40 人。
  • 行程:TICC 出發 桃園埤塘濕地生態見習 午餐 石滬協會(石滬捕魚體驗、石滬生態觀察) 返回 TICC
  • 特色
    • 參訪桃園的傳統埤塘,認識水質淨化及生態復育的案例。
    • 走入傳承百年的桃園石滬,透過在地職人的指導,體驗永續生態的臺灣傳統捕漁技法。

D. One-Day Tour in Taipei: Yangmingshan Menghuan Lake Wetland & Volcanic Landscape


  • Departure Date: November 16, 2024 (Saturday) AM 08:00
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Dr. Meng-Yuan Huang (Associate Professor, Department of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University)
  • Price: NTD 2,800 (Approx. USD 88, includes tour bus, lunch, entrance fees, professional guide, and insurance)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 20 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 20 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 40 participants.
  • Itinerary: Departure from TICC → Lengshuikeng Visitor Center → Menghuan Lake Ecological Tour → Lunch (Jingshan Recreation Area) → Xiaoyoukeng → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Visit a nationally important wetland and the only wild habitat of the rare plant “Taiwan Isoetes” at Menghuan Lake.
    • Explore Taiwan’s only volcanic national park and admire its precious volcanic landscapes.
  • 出發日期:2024/ 11/16(六)上午 08:00
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:黃盟元(國立中興大學生命科學系副教授)
  • 售價:新臺幣 2,800 元(大約 88 美金,費用包括遊覽車、午餐、門票、專業導遊、保險)
  • 成團人數:至少 20 人成團,未滿 20 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限 40 人。
  • 行程:TICC 出發 冷水坑遊客中心 夢幻湖生態見習 午餐(菁山遊憩區) 小油坑 返回 TICC
  • 特色:
    • 探訪國家級重要濕地及稀有植物「臺灣水韭」唯一的野生棲地「夢幻湖」
    • 走訪臺灣唯一火山型國家公園,並欣賞珍貴火山地景。

E. Two-Day Tour in Tainan: Taijiang Wetland Ecology Exploration & Tainan Culture Experience


  • Departure: 2024/11/15-16 (Friday-Saturday)
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • Price: NTD 8,100 (Approx. USD 253, including Taipei-Tainan tour bus, twin room, four meals, local experiences, tickets, English-speaking tour guide, and insurance.)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 20 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 20 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 40 participants.
  • Itinerary:
  • Day 1: Departure from TICC (tour bus) → Lunch → Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve (bird watching) and wetland ecology exploration → Taijiang National Park → Dinner → Tainan Weiyue Hotel or equivalent (Twin Room for 2 people sharing)
  • Day 2: Breakfast → Walk around Tainan Old City → Lunch with Tainan traditional cultural experience (TBC: traditional storytelling performance with English subtitle) → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Enjoy watching the rare and precious winter migratory birds at the Qigu Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve.
    • Take a traditional raft ride to admire the beautiful green corridor formed by various native mangrove species.
    • Explore the over 400-year-old ancient city of Tainan, witnessing the origins of Taiwan’s development history.
    • Note: This itinerary will be by tour bus. The transportation from Taipei to Tainan is about 4 hours, stopping at 1 or 2 rest areas.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/15~16(週五~六)
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 售價:新臺幣 8,100 元(大約 253 美金,費用包括遊覽車、住宿 2 人一室、四餐、在地體驗活動、門票、專業導遊、保險)
  • 成團人數:至少 20 人成團,未滿 20 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。報名上限 40 人。
  • 行程:
    • 第 1 天:TICC 出發 午餐 黑面琵鷺保護區賞鳥、濕地生態體驗 台江國家公園 晚餐 住宿 (臺南維悅酒店或同等級,2 人一室)
    • 第 2 天:早餐 臺南舊城漫步 午餐 臺南傳統文化體驗(傳統說書表演) → 返回 TICC(遊覽車)。
  • 特色:
    • 於七股黑面琵鷺保護區欣賞稀有且珍貴的冬候鳥。
    • 搭乘傳統膠筏欣賞由多種原生紅樹林所構成的優美紅樹林綠色隧道。
    • 走訪超過 400 年的臺南古城,見證臺灣發展歷史的源頭。
  • 備註:本行程全程搭乘遊覽車,臺北至臺南交通時間約為 4 小時,中間停靠 1~2 次休息站。

F. Two-Day Tour in Yilan: Wuwei Port Waterbird Conservation Area & Fushan Botanical Garden & Shuanglianpi Wetland


  • Departure: 2024/11/15-16 (Friday-Saturday)
  • Departure Date: November 15-16, 2024 (Friday-Saturday)
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Dr. Chung-Hsin Juan (Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Ilan University)
  • Price: NTD 10,300 (Approx. USD 323, includes tour bus, community guide, four meals, entrance fees, double occupancy accommodation, professional guide, and travel liability insurance)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 15 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 15 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 15 participants.
  • Itinerary:
  • Day 1: Departure from TICC → Yilan → Wuwei Port Waterbird Conservation Area Ecological Tour (reserve observation, management sharing) → Lunch → Community Exploration around the Conservation Area (community observation, farmer interaction) → Accommodation: Yilan & Dinner
  • Day 2: Breakfast → Yuanshan Park (transfer to nine-seater vans) → Fushan Botanical Garden Ecological Tour → Lunch → Shuanglianpi Wetland Ecological Tour → Yuanshan Park → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Wuwei Port Waterbird Conservation Area is Taiwan’s first waterfowl reserve, recording over 170 species of birds. From November each year, thousands of geese and ducks gather to roost.
    • Yilan’s Shuanglianpi is a natural dammed lake surrounded by mountains, providing a rare habitat for wildlife in Taiwan.
    • Fushan Botanical Garden preserves typical natural broadleaf forests of Taiwan, which have rich biodiversity, making it an excellent place for ecological research.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/15~16(週五~六)
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:阮忠信(國立宜蘭大學森林暨自然資源學系助理教授)
  • 售價:新臺幣 10,300 元(大約 323 美金,費用包括遊覽車、社區導覽、四餐、門票、住宿 2 人一室、專業導遊、旅行業責任險)
  • 成團人數:至少 15 人成團,未滿 15 人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限 15 人。
  • 行程:
  • 第1天:TICC 出發 宜蘭 無尾港水鳥保護區生態見習(保護區觀察、經營管理分享) 午餐 保護區周邊社區踏查(社區觀察、農民互動)→住宿:宜蘭&晚餐
  • 第2天:早餐 員山公園(換搭九人座) 福山植物園生態見習 午餐 雙連埤國家級重要濕地生態見習 員山公園 返回 TICC
  • 特色:
    • 無尾港水鳥保護區是臺灣第一個水鳥保護區,記錄過 170 種以上的鳥類。每年 11 月起,數千隻的雁鴨會陸續聚集棲息。
    • 宜蘭雙連埤是一個群山環繞的天然堰塞湖,是臺灣難得一見的野生動植物棲息地。
    • 福山植物園保有臺灣地區典型的天然闊葉樹林,動植物種類豐富,為研究自然生態之優良場所。 

G. Two-Day Tour in Hsinchu: Hsinchu Qingquan Indigenous Community & Shei-Pa Guanwu Ecological Tour


  • Departure Date: November 15-16, 2024 (Friday-Saturday)
  • Organized by: Ecotour Taiwan Travel Service Co., Ltd.
  • The Accompanying Wetland Professor: Dr. Yu-Ten Ju (Professor, Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University)
  • Price: NTD 9,100 (Approx. USD 284, includes tour bus, four meals, tribal guide, professional guide, and insurance)
  • Group Size: Minimum of 15 participants; the tour will be canceled if the group does not reach 15 participants, or assistance will be provided to join other tours. Maximum of 20 participants.
  • Itinerary:
  • Day 1: Departure from TICC → Hsinchu → Tuchang → Lunch at Shei-Pa Leisure Farm → Shei-Pa National Park - Guanwu Forest Recreation Area → Guanwu Salamander Ecology Center (tour) → Guanwu Villa (accommodation, dinner)
  • Day 2: Breakfast → Dalu Forest Road West Line (hiking, learning about salamander habitats) → Lunch at Guanwu Villa → Qingquan Indigenous Community (cultural tour) → Return to TICC
  • Highlights:
    • Visit the Guanwu Salamander Ecology Center to learn about the precious salamander ecology.
    • Explore the natural habitat of salamanders and experience the mid-altitude cloud forest ecosystem.
    • Immerse in the traditional territory of Taiwan’s indigenous people and learn about the Atayal culture and lifestyle.
  • 出發日期:2024/11/15~16(週五~六)
  • 執行單位:原森旅行社有限公司
  • 隨隊專家:朱有田(國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系教授)
  • 售價:新臺幣9,100元(大約284美金,費用包括遊覽車、四餐、部落導覽、專業導遊、保險)
  • 成團人數:至少15人成團,未滿15人將取消出團,或協助參加者報名其他遊程。上限20人。
  • 行程:
  • 第1天:TICC出發 新竹 土場 雪霸休閒農場午餐 雪霸國家公園-觀霧遊憩區 觀霧山椒魚生態中心(參觀) 觀霧山莊(住宿.晚餐)
  • 第2天:早餐 大鹿林道西線(健行、認識山椒魚的棲息環境) 觀霧山莊午餐 清泉部落(文化導覽) 返回TICC
  • 特色:
    • 參觀山椒魚生態中心,學習珍貴的山椒魚生態知識。
    • 走訪山椒魚的原生棲息環境,體驗中海拔霧林帶的生態特色。
    • 走入臺灣原住民傳統領域,認識泰雅族生活及文化。


In response to the impact of the recent earthquake in Taiwan, we adjust the itineraries. The rights for existing reservations remain unchanged.



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