Ben LePage

Chair of Review Committee (Former SWS President)

評審主席(前 SWS 總會長)



Dr. Ben LePage received his B.Sc. Hon. (Biology) and Ph.D. (Geology) degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and then spent 2 years in the Botany Department, University of Alberta as a National Science and Engineering Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellow.  In 1995 he joined the Geology Department at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.  His research focused on the evolution of plants associated with ancient (45 to 50 million-year-old) fossil forests and wetlands in the polar regions of Arctic Canada responded to global change in space and time.  In 2002 Dr. LePage transitioned from academia to industry and became an environmental consultant focusing on environmental problems.  In 2008, he became a Wetland Scientist, and Remediation, Sustainability and Compliance Specialist the Philadelphia Electric Company.  At this time, he became involved with the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS).  He was the Chair of the Education and Outreach Committee and later became President of the SWS and SWSPCP.  He served on many other Boards in the Philadelphia area that were focused on wetland and environmental problems.  He then became a Program Manager at Pacific Gas and Electric in California were his interest in wetlands continued.  He now focuses on implementing strategies that involve wetlands to clean contamination that sustainability, nature-based-solutions, and environmental stewardship.  He is also interested in the relationship between the environment, wetlands, the development of human cultures, and the role that Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Traditional Ecological Management (TEM) systems might play as global change occurs.   Dr. LePage continued to serve the SWS on committees when needed.  In 2021 he returned to academia as a Distinguished Visiting Chair Professor at NTNU in Taiwan.



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